Face mask wrap

I am in love. I found this at TJ Maxx and I couldn’t be happier. My husband even decided to try one and loved it! It helped get rid of my bags under my eyes and it felt so hydrating and refreshing. Definatly worth the price and I will be going to stock up on them! 

I had never tried a paper face wrap before and I’m not sure what I was expecting, but it was kinda wet feeling. It ended up feeling really moisturizing while on and I decided to exceed the 20 minute wrap to a 30 because it was so nice.    

Really great face mask 

I have found an awesome clay mask! While I was first researching I came up with this. But I looked at the i briefings and it’s just overpriced bentonite clay! So I googled bentonite clay masks and found this. Sadly the price has gone up since I have bought it, and there’s not a huge difference anymore. It was two dollars when I bought it! But it is a great investment and a pound lasts a very long time.